

Customer: Bolux Group, Botswana
Equipment installed: I.VAR BHP 500 Steam Boiler
Riello Light oil burner
Fuel: Light oil
Saving: 10% fuel savings

Scope of Project

Bolux had intended to use a refurbished second-hand Steam Boiler for this project. Most second-hand boilers in the market are +- 80% efficient.
After discussions with ourselves and Nexus Konsult – Cobus Thesnaar, Bolux opted for a new +90% efficient Steam Boiler.
The IVAR Steam Boiler and Riello light oil burner were supplied and installed well within the project timelines.
Bolux Technical Manager was well pleased with the Project we delivered (See his reference)

Savings Data

Due to their decision to opt for the New Boiler, Bolux will instantly realise a fuel savings of 10%.

Combustion Technology – Statement

Most gratifying when a client is prepared to discuss and make an informed decision on the correct choice of Steam Boilers for their project.
Many times, a client opts for the Cheapest option, however, when the sweet taste of the lowest equipment cost has passed and the running costs rise, that’s when you know if you made the right choice.
Our CEO Riaan van Biljon ran with this project from start to finish and Gerrit Visser of Peninsula Steam did the final polishing to the project.
Pieter Wentzel Projects Engineer at Combustion Technology assisted.
We appreciate the recognition from Bolux for our workmanship and services.

Contract Report

Reference Letter