Unical produce a wide range of boilers for the industrial, professional and domestic industries.


Unical power. An industrial range for the leading market enterprises. The products in this section include overheated water steam boilers with hot water at high and very high power for production cycles and/or large utilities and hospitals; from the inverted flame steam boilers, monobloc and high pressure, to three-stage combustion process steam boilers and all the equipment necessary for a large system, all in light of the maximum cutting-edge technology which has made economy of operation one of its must.

We supply world class, highly efficient, Low NOx boilers, burners and combustion control systems.



The broad professional range, Unical’s true technological strength, includes

  • medium and high-power gas and diesel boilers
  • heating units
  • modular heating units
  • cascade boilers for indoor and outdoor applications

Products distinguished by Low NOx emissions, ultra-low emissions, class 5, with power ratings of up to 7,000 kW.

The already famous aluminium condensing boilers patented by Unical, also for outdoor use, 4-star efficiency class and Low NOx, are one of Unical’s key products, and they are recognised on the market as being the most technological product in its category. They can be installed practically anywhere, and they stand out for their compact size which enclose power ratings of up to 900 kW and for the modulation range which ensures the minimum instant power necessary rapidly and without wasting energy. Four stars were also awarded to the stainless steel condensing boilers, for condensing heating units – again in stainless steel – and for steel condensing heating units which thanks to special flue gas pipes patented by Unical ensure maximum economy of operation. The range is completed by the three-stage combustion process boilers, with gradual temperature also.

In addition to boilers themselves, Unical’s catalogue also contains housing modules for centralised heating systems, zone satellites, energy meter accessories, litre meters and calorie counters, thermostats and thermoregulations, cascade controllers to accommodate the latest technological and regulatory provisions on the subject of: reducing consumption and emission levels in maximum individual comfort. The range also includes primary rings, hydraulic separators, modulating pumps, hot water tanks; these accessories are necessary to fine-tune heating systems.


Pressurized steel boiler for gas, oil or heavy – oil pressure jet burners, with floating furnace from the model 730 up to the model 7000


Pressurized steel boiler for gas or oil pressure jet burners

Steam Boilers

Steam is fundamental and irreplaceable in many industrial sectors such as: the pharmaceutical, food, petrochemical, chemical, paper industry, canning for storage purposes, production of rubber, plastic, etc., for which it represents the so-called raw material.

It is equally essential in the civil sector for sterilisation: hospitals, canteens, laundries, etc. It is also extensively used in large ground heating installations and on ships for the production of energy through turbines, pumps and alternators. Wherever there is the need to produce and manage pressure thermal energy, steam is the ideal solution.


Low pressure steam boiler, three pass reverse flame, smooth pipes with turbulators, 91% efficiency (1).
BAHR’UNO is a family of packaged smoke tube steam boilers, three pass reversed flame, wet back. Standard safety pressure up to 0.98 bar and output from 100 to 4000 kg/h. It can be operated with liquid or gaseous fuels. Every model is complete with regulations and safety accessories for automatic operation and easy commissioning. In compliance to the current laws, each steam boiler undergoes a conformity assessment, carried out by a Notified Body. The conformance to the essential safety requirements demanded by the European Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/UE (PED) is guaranteed by the CE mark.


High pressure steam boiler, three pass reverse flame, with efficiency from 90% up to 96% (1) according the installed smoke tube (STD, HPO, HP).
BAHR’12 is a family of packaged smoke tube steam boilers, three pass reverse flame, wet back. Standard safety pressure up to 12 bar (higher pressure available on request) and output from 300 to 6000 kg/h. It can be operated with liquid or gaseous fuels. Every model is complete with regulations and safety accessories for automatic operation and easy commissioning.
In compliance to the current laws, each steam boiler undergoes a conformity assessment, carried out by a Notified Body. The conformance to the essential safety requirements demanded by the European Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/UE (PED) is guaranteed by the CE mark.


High pressure packaged steam boiler, genuine three-pass fire tube, horizontal, 90% efficiency (1).
TRYPASS is a family of packaged smoke tube steam boilers, genuine three-pass, and wet back. Standard safety pressure up to 12 bar (higher pressure available on request) and output from 1300 to 22000 kg/h. With a large steam chamber and large evaporator for an high steam quality. It can be operated with liquid or gaseous fuels. Every model is complete with regulations and safety accessories for automatic operation and easy commissioning.
In compliance to the current laws, each steam boiler undergoes a conformity assessment, carried out by a Notified Body. The conformance to the essential safety requirements demanded by the European Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/UE (PED) is guaranteed by the CE mark.

Combustion Technology is an Exclusive Supplier and Distributor of Unical in South Africa & Mauritius.

Thermal Oil Heater

In cases where high operating temperatures are required, diathermic oil systems are recommended compared to steam or superheated water systems, allowing the system to work with temperatures up to 350°C.

Other important features of the diathermic oil systems are guaranteeing they can constantly maintain the required temperatures, as well as safety (non-flammable and low explosion-risk fluid).

This is why diathermic oil is widely used, for example, in the petrochemical field.


Three pass thermal oil heater. Horizontal design, vertical on request. DIATHER’ is a thermarl oil heater, three pass. It can be operated with liquid or gaseous fuels.

Steam Accessories

Unical supplies a series of hot water and steam boilers as well as wood-fired pellet boilers, which we have recently started including into our product line. For more info on boiler specifications, please contact our offices.

Unical power. An industrial range for the leading market enterprises.


Direct exchange condensing boilers for swimming pool heating with Natural Gas or LPG Gas
