Design & manufacturing of Large Industrial boilers for standard and special applications

Since 1958, Cannon Bono Energia is dedicated to the design, manufacturing, installation and maintenance of industrial boilers for standard and special applications.

Fire tube steam generators are the most widespread technology for the heating of all industrial processes which require steam intensively. Cannon Bono Energia’s products are characterized by a high operational reliability – even without supervision by a licensed operator – great flexibility of use and a very high energy efficiency.

We supply world class, highly efficient, Low NOx boilers, burners and combustion control systems.

Cost-saving, Performance & Innovation

The unique construction of the SG series fire-tube steam boiler stands out from any other boiler.
The SG series boiler represents the ideal solution for reducing electrical consumption, increase the degree of safety and efficiency and comply with new emission regulations, using simple, yet reliable electronics.

Combustion Technology is the Exclusive Supplier and Distributor of Cannon Bono Energia in South Africa & Mauritius.


Fire Tube Boilers

Since 1958, Cannon Bono Energia is dedicated to the design, manufacturing, installation and maintenance of industrial boilers for standard and special applications.

Fire tube steam generators are the most widespread technology for the heating of all industrial processes which require steam intensively. Cannon Bono Energia’s products are characterized by a high operational reliability – even without supervision by a licensed operator – great flexibility of use and a very high energy efficiency.

Steam Boilers FT Series

FT 200 6

FT Series fire-tube steam generators are an efficient, compact and reliable solution for steam production, available in different configurations, from 1 to 6 tons/h, with pressure ranging from 12 to 15 bar.

• Guaranteed efficiency up to 95%
• Wide combustion chamber
• Lower flue gas temperatures in the combustion chamber compared to reversed flame boilers
• Reduced emission levels
• Possibility to install accessories in order to improve efficiency, reduce emissions, increase the level of automation and exempt from licensed operators’ continuous supervision for 24/72h.

Competitive advantages
• Low investment cost
• Low maintenance cost
• Short delivery time
• Minimal on-site installation and start-up activities
• Ease of access to boiler’s internal parts with consequent reduced inspection, maintenance and cleaning time

Technical features FT Series 


Our new SG fire tube boilers are ideal for production that requires high performance but a limited steam requirement of 2-6 t/h and guarantee superior performance in all working conditions.

Made with canted tube plates, a large firebox, and a wet bottom, the small SG boilers can produce steam up to 25 barg pressure. Their configuration with passing flame and two smoke passes facilitate accessibility to the flue gas inversion chamber, making routine and extraordinary maintenance easier.

SG boilers have the same technology as the rest of the range. They are designed to achieve superior levels of efficiency and minimize emissions, thus supporting the sustainability of the entire production process. In addition, the whole componentry is optimized to create a high-performance and Industry 4.0-ready product.

Multiple possible configurations

SG boilers from 2 – 6 t/h can meet the needs of different production processes. They are highly customizable and available for various fuels (natural gas, diesel, and heavy fuels).

From the basic solution the steam generator can be equipped with Smart configurations (ECO Smart and HE Smart) to guarantee thermal efficiency up to 97.5%, even with feed water temperatures higher than 150°C.

Automation is possible ad hoc: as 4.0-ready machines, SG boilers can be outfitted with the control and management system OptiSpark and OptiCloud for the complete integration of the boiler within the production system.

Optimized dimensions

The SG model from 2 – 6 t/h design is optimized to ease transport and insertion within a plant. The 200, 300, and 400 sizes are available for transport in a container by sea or standard truck.

High efficiency, low environmental impact

The extensive firebox design and the dedicated combustion system help reduce harmful emissions, making these steam generators compliant with the EU emission limits imposed by MCPD for 2025

Steam Boilers SG series

HE Smart version of the SG

SG series fire-tube steam generators represent the ideal solution for reducing electrical consumption, increase the degree of safety of the plant – also in case of unsupervised operation – and comply with new emission regulation, using simple, yet reliable electronics.
Highly customizable solution for steam production from 1 to 30 tons/h, these series of steam generators is characterized by a complete shielding of the inversion chamber with a water tube enclosure, which, compared to other types of boilers, ensures a fast access to the flue gas inversion chamber and a complete visibility of the tubes, tube sheet and combustion chamber.
The advantages of this series stem from its design, with large heated surfaces and combustion chamber, as well as high turbulence of the flue gas flow, which ensures high thermal efficiency and low emissions.

• Tubes expanded and welded to the tube-sheet protecting the tubes from any aggressive delayed combustion
• Tube sheets with ledges to guarantee maximum quality of welding between sheet and tubes.
• Complete absence of refractory material and connecting rods on the shielding to avoid stress on the tube sheet
• Wide combustion chamber guaranteeing low thermal load and reduced emissions
• Available design for saturated and superheated steam, as well as hot water production

Competitive advantages
• Ease of access to the internal parts of the boiler, furnace, tube sheet and flue gas inversion chamber.
• Heat exchange optimization
• High thermal efficiency up to 96%
• Low NOx emission level, under 80 mg/Nm3, achieved through an optimized combustion and the employment of low
• NOx burners specifically design for the steam generators.
• Integrated electronic control system for dynamic management and control of the boiler, guaranteeing maximum safety and improved performances even in case of unattended operation for 24/72h.
• Opportunity to interconnect with smart factory
• Possibility to exempt from supervision for 24/72h
• Turnkey solutions

Technical features SG series

Steam Boilers HE Smart Series

HE Smart package is designed to minimize electrical and fuel consumption at every operating load, through the smart and flexible operation of an extensive heat recovery system as well as the electrical components.

• Thermal efficiency guaranteed up to 97,5%
• Smart management of process parameters thanks to Autoflame Management system
• Reduced NOx and CO2 emissions
• High efficiency for various applications, even with feed water temperatures as high as 150°C
• Consistent fuel and power savings
• Reduced OPEX costs
• Internet connection for remote control and monitoring
• Optimized combustion through the employment of burners specifically designed for Cannon Bono Energia’s boilers.
• Available for saturated and superheated steam, as well as superheated water production.

Design, manufacturing, installation, service and maintenance
of industrial boilers for standard and special applications.

Water Tube Steam Boilers

Clajtub water tube type steam generators (CT series) are the result of over 40 years’ experience of Cannon Bono Energia in industrial, petrochemical and power generation applications.

These generators guarantee the highest operating features, thanks to Cannon Bono Energia’s experience in heat transfer, welding technology and pressure vessel calculations.

CT series water tube steam generators represent a modern concept of “D” shaped design: two overmounted drums, expanded vertical tubes, full water walls type furnace and the burner housed inside the front water wall by means of properly shaped water tubes.

Nowadays operating efficiency is becoming an ever more important aspect in the client’s decision-making process. Thus, Cannon Bono Energia provides a wide and dedicated range of economizers (bare or finned tubes type) to ensure the highest boiler performance.

The water circulation inside the boiler is of the natural type and the flue gas tightness is realised on the external walls by means of longitudinally finned tubes. External walls and drums are insulated by means of high-density rock wool panels, covered with stainless steel lagging, water tight for outdoor installation, anchored to the supporting structure and easy to disassemble.

Thermal and combustion efficiency is achieved using high performing burning system and advanced combustion and emission control/monitoring system supplied according to client’s standard. We also provide our own management control system Autoflame.

Water tube boilers also find application in heat recovery solutions and superheated water production.

Superheated Water Boilers

Cannon Bono Energia’s superheated water heaters have found their main application within district heating and industrial processes where hot water (more than 120°C) is required.

In the last years they have been used in those sectors where high process water temperature in conjunction with high pressure and flexibility are required, such as pharmaceutical and chemical process, power plant start up equipment, etc.

Cannon Bono Energia offers two different solutions:
• fire tube design: up to 14 MW (SM – ASA and SG – ASA)
• water tube design: up to 60 MW (CTH)

Thanks to a patented design, an innovative technology and modularity, CTH generators offer the following advantages:
• package configuration
• quick reaction to load variation
• the possibility to prefabricate many parts of the boiler (site erected units)
• rationalization of primary and secondary water circulation and distribution circuits
• thermal efficiency up to 95-96%
• complete and full accessibility for cleaning and maintenance

Thermal and combustion efficiency is achieved using high performing burning system and advanced combustion and emission control/monitoring system supplied according to client’s standard. We also provide our own management control system Autoflame.

CTH series also finds application in heat recovery solutions.

Technical specifications for SG – ASA and CTH series Technical features SG series

Why Cannon Bono Energia

Having more than 50 years of experience in manufacturing industrial thermal fluid heaters, Cannon Bono Energia is a leading Italian company identified by the following unique aspects:
1960: Cannon Bono Energia produces the first oil heater;
1970: Cannon Bono Energia supplies the first oil package unit having up to 13 MW capacity;
at present one of the largest manufacturers of oil heaters in terms of worldwide installed units;
efficient and distributed sales and after sales network through the Cannon organization consisting in more than 45 locations all over the world.