Jan 10, 2022 | Latest News

Boilers, Burners and Combustion Systems are still at the heart of manufacturing and engineering processes.  Technology and products keep improving making the process more efficient and cost effective and also making the process kinder to a more sustainable environment.


Now, there is no need to blow off steam when you need a functional boiler and don’t have one. We understand just how important it is to keep your business on track, especially when there is an emergency.

Combustion Technology can provide you with a modern, efficient and environmentally friendly solution to meet any of your combustion or heating challenges.

We offer your business peace of mind with our tried and tested boiler rentals. Whether you have a plant shut down, are renovating or expanding your facility, or for any emergency at all, don’t stress or shut down your operation – just call the boiler rental experts!

With over 35 years’ experience, we have developed and engineered a unique and superior boiler rental solution that is totally evolved compared to the other options that are out there. Our boilers are adaptable and can be tailored for emergencies or any other requirements for both short- or long-term rentals.

Portable boiler containers are completely enclosed and ready to start working upon delivery. There is no additional time or expense needed to unload the system or protect it from the weather. The boiler and all its controls are neatly installed inside a self-sufficient mobile container and are ready to use in a matter of minutes. Each easy-to-use unit is designed for efficiency, comfort and convenience. They are simple to install and very portable. And everything is plug-and-play. So simple.



Who needs a rental boiler?

Pieter Wentzel, Project Engineer at Combustion Technology explains: “Since we advertised this service on our website, we are inundated with enquiries from all over the country regarding our boiler rentals.  Some people want to rent a boiler while their own boilers are being serviced or are out of action for a month or two. Others don’t find it viable buying a permanent boiler as they only need a temporary solution on site that can be removed once their project is completed. We even rent boilers to customers who have ordered boilers and need something in the interim while waiting on new equipment to be delivered.”

What makes the Combustion Technology rental solution so popular?

“Our customers love the fact that it is such a simple solution in a container with an easy set-up and installation procedure. Best of all is, that the customers are amazed that they don’t have to be present on site to manage boiler operations,” Wentzel continues, “they simply allow us to drop the box off and get the job done! We also keep an eye on it as we track and pre-empt any issues to prevent downtime and breakdowns, not just with the boiler, but in general at their site.”,

“Unlike our competitors who rent out boilers, our mobile rentals come with all the ancillaries. So, no need to buy extra equipment such as a feedwater tank, fuel tank, stack, water treatment system, control panel and burner, that you may end up not using in the long term. Our Rentals burn 8-12% less fuel than any other Competitor!”

For what length of time can you rent a boiler?

Short- or long-term rentals are always available. You can rent for any period from 1 month upwards, some customers even rent for 2 years. We offer simple, flexible solutions to suit every customer’s needs.

You can simply rent a container with a boiler from us, or we can build one for you and you can buy it after trying it.

Customised solutions

Not only do we rent out containerised boilers, but we also build and sell customised containers based on your requirements, demands and specifications. No job is too big or too small.

Pieter Wentzel added with a proud smile, “as one of our customers remarked, our complete container boiler system is the simplest, neatest and most uncomplicated set-up he has ever seen. He was super impressed, so we must be doing something right”.

Speed & Supply
No investment required – make rapid and non-binding decisions.

We offer a pre-installation consultation with no nasty surprises. The costs are fixed which allows you to plan.

You get what you need

  • Each container is fully kitted with powerful, reliable, state-of-the-art boiler technology and ancillary equipment.
  • With our gas partners, we can arrange for an easy supply and connection to gas – we comply with SANS 329 requirements.
  • All our containerised boilers are dual-fuel ready.
  • All our boilers output to a maximum capacity requirements and best efficiency.
  • Water treatment system.

Prompt delivery and installation
Our rental boilers are always available and are ready for installation. Our capable and dedicated team will deliver the boiler directly to your location and will do whatever it takes to get the boiler up and running in no time at all.

Training and start-up service
Onsite boiler operator training is offered from Combustion Technology.

Our boilers are certified and comply with highest energy efficiency, 8-12% less fuel consumption, lowest emissions and highest safety regulations.

24/7 Boiler Management Service
All our mobile boilers include the Combustion Technology Boiler System Interface that enables full management of all boiler key functions. From the comfort of your office or home kilometres away, you will be able to track and monitor what is happening on site in real time.

You will be able to monitor amongst other;

  • Steam flow metering.
  • Water level control.
  • Fuel consumption compared to steam generation.
  • Fuel pressure.
  • Stack temperature
  • Ideal emissions (O2, CO2, CO).
  • Tracking and monitoring of any element that interferes with production / output.

There are built-in alarms that will alert our engineers at the Combustion Technology Head Office if set points drift off commissioned values. Immediate interventions are actioned to ensure that the highest efficiencies are maintained.

For all enquiries about temporary or permanent steam requirements or technical advice throughout your planning process, contact us for expert advice.

Contact us on:

021 715 3171

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