Industrial Burner Range
DB Series

DB 4 – 6 – 9 – 12 – 16 – 20
The new DB burners platform represents the evolution in Riello Burners industrial product range. They are dual block burners for application in big plants (district heating, hospitals) as well as in food, chemicals, textile industry for matching with hot water boilers, steam and thermal oil generators. DB series burners can be supplied with electronic or mechanical air-fuel ratio control according to customer specification. DB 9-12-16-20 are equipped with pilot ignition, while for DB 4-6 models it can be supplied on demand. DB series can work with pre-heated air up to 150°C as standard, up to 250°C with special construction. New variable geometry combustion head allows to reach < 80 mg/kWh NOx emission on natural gas operations. An hinge system for easier combustion head maintenance is available on all models. As part of the offer, various accessories (air fan, control panels, high pressure gas train, etc) are available.
ER Series

ER 4 – 6 – 9 – 12 – 16 – 20 – 25 – 32
The industrial burners ER series are designed especially for water tube boilers used in big civil installations and industrial processes with a remarkable thermal demand. These burners allow to realise a modular and flexible combustion system adding a preparation fuel unit (regulation pressure group set, preheating/pumping oil station), a gas train, a control panel and a fan. Preheated air can also be used as in the oil diathermic generators and other heat recovery systems. The modulating regulation always allows to reach a wide modulation ratio and optimal fluid-dynamics conditions for a good combustion.
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